According to the policies approved by ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the contact info a domain is registered with must be valid and accurate all the time. Besides, this info is openly accessible on WHOIS lookup sites and while this may not be a problem for companies, it may not be very acceptable for individuals, because anyone can see their names and their personal email and home addresses, all the more so in an age when identity theft isn’t that atypical. For this reason, registrar companies have launched a service that conceals the details of their customers without modifying them. The service is called Whois Privacy Protection. In case it’s activated, people will see the details of the registrar company, not the domain owner’s, if they do a WHOIS search. The Whois Privacy Protection service is supported by all generic Top-Level Domain extensions, but it is still not possible to conceal your personal info with certain country-code extensions.