1 hour ticket response
Quick support is our chief task and this is the reason why we’ve got a team of capable support engineers who are ready to provide a prompt reply to any question that you might have. Just send your trouble ticket from the Website Control Panel and we will reply within sixty minutes in the worst case scenario. Actually, we strive hard and aim for a twenty–minute response time.
An Outstanding Customer Support Service
Our client service staff representatives possess broad experience in the shared web hosting service sphere and are experienced enough to provide a prompt answer to your problem. If, however, the problem at hand is not within the competency of a technical support engineer, the helpdesk ticket will be sent to a developer or system administrator for further assistance.
An Intuitive Help Center
To help you find a quick tip on how to use a given service, we have implemented a truly intuitive Help section in the Website Control Panel. You can search through a vast selection of web hosting account administration articles and website administration articles, have a gaze at the F.A.Q. database or check out our educational video tutorials.